The HTTP response status code 301 Moved Permanently is used for permanent redirecting, meaning current links or records using the URL this response is received for should be updated.

There are a variety of ways of redirecting visitors from one domain or page to another with 301 redirects being the style of HTTP redirect that is both user and search engine friendly.

Here’s all the options for creating a domain forward or redirect:

  1. Plesk Domain alias (can optionally be applied to DNS, Web, and Mail)
  2. Plesk Domain Forwarding (can forward domain to any URL, only applies to Web)
  3. Redirecting any URL to any URL via custom web server directives or code (only applies to Web)

Redirect with domain alias

If you’re forwarding an entire domain to another (like to, the method to do this in Plesk is to simply add it as a domain alias — Plesk will automatically ensure that it sets up a 301 redirect for you.

  1. Login to Plesk and choose the Add Domain Alias button
  2. Enter the domain you wish to forward and then select the domain you wish to forward it to
  3. Leave all check boxes at their defaults. If you do not wish to forward mail, un-check the “Mail Service” box.
  4. Choose the OK button to save your settings

Redirect with Domain forwarding

  1. Login to Plesk
  2. In Websites & Domains click Add Domain:
  3. Select required webspace's (subscription's) name in Webspace section where forwarder need to be created and specify the forwarder domain name in Registered domain name section:

  4. Select Forwarding in Hosting type section:
  5. In the Forwarding Settings box, type the destination address to which you want to redirect visitors. Under Forwarding type, select Moved permanently (code 301)
  6. Click Add Domain.

Redirect with Web Server Config

May use following line below for sample of the redirection for the web server configured for your domain

Nginx redirect

  1. Login to Plesk and choose “apache and nginx settings” under the domain you wish to add the redirect.
  2. Scroll down to the “Additional nginx directives” box
  3. Enter your choice of the following variants in the box and press Apply or OK.
# Simple path to path redirect: rewrite ^/source_path$ permanent; # Regex redirect to redirect *all* content from one domain to another: rewrite ^/(.*)$$1 permanent;

Apache/,htaccess redirect

# Redirect everything: RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^.well-known/acme-challenge RewriteRule ^(.*)$1 [R=301,L] 
# Redirect specific pages (use this OR the everything rule above. NOT BOTH): redirect 301 / redirect 301 /oldpage/ redirect 301 /oldpage.html