This article describes how to use the SolusVM control panel to manage your Linux SSDVPS. SolusVM allows you to control many aspects of your VPS using a web interface.

Quick Start guide for the function

Function 1: Logging on to the SolusVM Control Panel

You will receive a service welcome email that consist server login credential. Referring to the credential, you can log in to SolusVM panel by visiting the URL You could drop a case to support to retrieve the login if can't find the credential in welcome email. 

Login Page

Function 2: Control Panel Overview

After logging in, you will be presented with your control panel overview. From here you can access all the functionality that the panel provides.

These include

- Viewing VPS Statistics

- Rebooting, Shutting Down/ Starting Up your VPS

-  Access Console

- Re-installing your VPS

- Changing the Hostname of your VPS

- Changing the Login Password to the SolusVM Control Panel

Function 3: Viewing VPS Statistics

Click on the "Statistics" tab under "Controls" to view the various statistics for your VPS. These include Traffic, Load and Memory. The time span for the graphs available can be as little as "1 hour" to maximum "1 year". 

Function 4: Rebooting, Shutting Down/ Starting Up your VPS

Click on the "General" tab under "Controls" to change the various power states of your VPS.
- Reboot will reboot your VPS
- Shutdown will switch off your VPS if it is currently running.
- Boot will switch on your VPS if it is not powered up

- Poweroff will force to turn off your VPS

Function 5: Access Console

You could login into the Linux SSDVPS using console. By click the "VNC" button.

Click "View Connection Settings" to retrieve the login credentials. Use any kind of VNC client like UltraVNC / TightVNC / TigerVNC to console into the VPS.

Function 6: Re-installing your VPS

You can restore your VPS to the initial setup state. But doing so will wipe/destroy existing data in the current VPS. This process is not reversible and suggest to backup proceeding with the reinstallation!

If you choose to reinstall your operating system, click on the "Reinstall" button and you will be asked to select the OS Template. Click "Reinstall" to confirm your action. The process will take a few minutes and once it's complete, you will be able to login to the VPS

Function 7: Changing the Hostname of your VPS

Click on the "Hostname" tab under "Controls" to rename the Hostname of your VPS. 

Enter the new Hostname and click "Change" to confirm the change.

Function 8: Changing the Login Password to the SolusVM Control Panel

Click on the "My Account" link on the top header to change the Login Password to the SolusVM Control Panel.Enter your current password and the new password and click "Update Password" to confirm the change.

You can also change the Login Alert settings here. If checked, you will receive an email notification each time someone logs into your Control Panel. To stop receiving email notifications, uncheck this box.

Changing the Login Password to the SolusVM Control Panel