Users who sign up for both Advanced Security and Backup services will manage both using the same Acronis web console account.

1. Login to web-based console via

2. Under Management choose Protection Plans and Click on Create plan

3. By default Advanced Security feature is included in this protection plan.

4. Select all the required attributes and click on Create

5. Upon clicking on Create, the Window shall prompt for below screen. Since in the earlier feature, encryption is turned on therefore user may need to Create Password .

Else , user may opt to Create plan without encryption. 

6. New protection plan has been created.

The Backup, Antivirus & Antimalware protection, Vulnerability assessment, Patch management, and Data protection map modules can be performed on demand by clicking Run now.


By default, Cyber Protect includes features that cover most of the cyber security threats. You can use these features without an additional fee. In addition, you can enable advanced features to boost the protection of your workloads.

If an Advanced protection feature is enabled for you to use, it appears in the protection plan marked with the Advanced feature Icon for an advanced protection feature .