Your Wordpress is showing warning and deprecated messages like below. 

This is usually caused by Wordpress debugging being enabled. 

These warning does not affect the functionality of your site. However, it does show that certain script is outdated and needs to be updated in order for it to be compatible with newer PHP versions. 

To solve this, simply disable debugging on your Wordpress site. 

Kindly refer below for the several methods on how to do so. 


WP-Toolkit is available in most of the Plesk servers and certain cPanel servers. 

Follow below steps to disable Wordpress debugging using WP-Toolkit

  1. Login to your Plesk or cPanel control panel.
  2. Go to WP-Toolkit
    cPanel - Left menu > WordPress Toolkit

    Plesk - Right menu > Wordpress
  3. Under Tools, toggle off Debugging.

Using wp-config.php

  1. Login to your Plesk or cPanel control panel.
  2. Go to File Manager.
    cPanel - Tools > Files > File Manager

    Plesk - Websites and Domains > File Manager

  3. Navigate to the respective WordPress site document root and look for the wp-config.php file.
  4. Edit the file by right-click the file and click on Edit on cPanel or click on the file name on Plesk. 
  5. Look for the line `define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );`. Replace 'true' with 'false' like below.
        `define( 'WP_DEBUG', false );`
  6. To save the changes, on cPanel, click on Save Changes on the top right corner or on Plesk, click on Save at the bottom left.