This article describes the available options to manage the Linux SSDVPS via WHMCS billing client area.

In order to manage Linux SSDVPS via the billing client area, kindly follow this steps as listed below:

1. Log into our client area billing system at :- 

For (MY) client:

For (US) client:

For (SG) client:

2. On top of the menu, click > Services > My Services

3. Choose the Linux SSDVPS subscription/product which you want to manage, click > Manage Product.

4. After access to the Linux SSDVPS subscription, you will be presented with the product details and functions.


Quick Start guide for the functions

  • Function 1: Rebooting, Shutdown, Startup VPS
  • Function 2: Viewing VPS Statistics
  • Function 3: Access Console
  • Function 4: Rescue Mode

Function 1: Rebooting, Shutdown, Startup VPS

Under "Server information" tab, you got options to change the various power states of your VPS.

- Reboot will reboot your VPS
- Shutdown
will switch off your VPS if it is currently running.
- Boot 
will switch on your VPS if it is not powered up

Function 2: Viewing VPS Statistics

Under the "Server Information" tab, you able to view the various statistics for your VPS by clicking the plus sign align as Graphs. These include Traffic and HDD activity.

Function 3: Access Console

You could login into the Linux SSDVPS using console via the HTML VNC. By clicking the VNC button, you will be prompted with a new link. May click the "HTML VNC" button as to connect you into console level of the VPS.

Function 4: Rescue Mode

With rescue mode, you have the ability to perform self-service, repairing downed virtual machines. Rescue mode allows you you to boot the downed virtual machines into a minimal install of Debian linux. Here they can either repair the virtual machine, or backup their data for restoration.

Do advise not to activate rescue mode unless facing any kind of VPS disruption like kernel crash or unexpected downtime due to certain events. 

Enable the VPS into rescue mode by clicking the plus sign align as "Rescue Mode" under the "Server Information" tab. May click the "Enable" button to boot your VPS into the rescue mode. It will took a while to processing and will be provided with a temporary SSH login to access the VPS in rescue mode.