In this article:

  1. About credit

  2. Credit setting

  3. Manually add credit to customers

  4. How customers use their credits

1. About Credit

Credit feature allows you to reward your customers with credit, and refund your customers with a credit instead of cash. Your customers can spend the collected credit during their next purchase.


2. Credit setting

2.1 Go to Admin Panel > Promotions > Add promotion > scroll down to the bottom and select your preferred credit tool.

2.2 Enter your promotion title (it will not show to customers) > Enter storefront display title (it will display to customers on cart page)

2.3 Select your credit option.

(a) By percentage - gives X% of total order amount as credit.

(b) By fixed amount - gives $X credit for every $Y spent

(c) Fixed amount per order - gives $X credit for each order



2.4 Select total spent amount calculation method.

2.5 Select conditions to be entitled for credit.

2.6 Set active dates.

2.7 Apply extra condition (optional*)


\ Voucher code:

Required to be entered during checkout

- Target customers:

Promotion applies to Public/ Logged-in members/ Selected customer groups

- Store usage limit:

Total number of usage for this promotion

- Each customer usage limit:

Usage limit per customer for this promotion


2.8 Done.

3. Manually add credit to customers 

3.1  Admin Panel> Customers > click into customer who you want to give credit.


3.2 Click on 'Edit profile' > under column 'Credit', insert credit amount > Save.


.3 Done.


4. How customers use their credit

4.1 Customers can check on their credit balance in 'My Account' page.


4.2 And they will be able to apply their credit at checkout 'Payment method' page.



4.3 Once applied, credit balance will be deducted from order total amount.



4.4 Credit redeemed will be shown in order details.