Knowing the transaction fees for each payment gateway could help you in deciding which payment gateway more suits your business. In this article you can find the transaction fees for Malaysia payment gateways which are ready to be integrated in your store.

  • Tips: You may right click on the table and select Open image in new tab to see a clearer picture.

1. Billplz

More Billplz plans:

2. eGHL


3. iPay88

Source: Redeem iPay88 Online Banking plan

4. Maybank2u Pay

As simple as RM0.50 per transaction.

Source: Email at or call +603-207088 33 Ext 18728

5. senangPay


6. Braintree


7. PayPal


8. 2Checkout


  • Notes: Rates above are for reference and subject to change. For the latest rates please contact respective payment gateway for further assistance.