Gray List – an auto-generated list of all the IPs blocked by Imunify360, based on Sensors alerts and 

alerts from the central server. 

Choose Firewall tab in the main menu then click Gray List.

Use filters to show the exact list of the IPs:

  • IP – allows filtering the list by IP. Enter an IP or a part of it into the input field.
  • Country – allows filtering the list by country origin. Enter a country name into the input field with autocomplete. Imunify360 will show the list of IPs of the chosen country.
  • Comments – allows filtering the list by comments. Enter a comment into the input field.
  • Use Items per page at the page bottom right to set the number of the incidents to be shown on the page.

You can perform the following actions with the IPs in the Gray List:


How to move IP from the Gray List to the Black List

To move several IPs from the Gray List to the Black List choose proper IPs (use checkboxes), click Group Actions at the top of the table and choose Move to Black List in the drop-down. Then confirm the action.

To move one IP address, click Cog icon in a proper IP row and choose Move to Black List in the drop-down. Then confirm the action.

You will see a notification if the IP is moved successfully.

How to move IP from the Gray List to the White List

To move several IPs from the Gray List to the White List choose proper IPs (use checkboxes), click Group Actions at the top of the table and choose Move to White List in the drop-down. Then confirm the action.

To move one IP address, click Cog icon in a proper IP row and choose Move to White List in the drop-down. Then confirm the action.

You will see a notification if the IP is moved successfully.

#How to remove IP from the Gray List

To remove several IPs from the Gray List, choose IPs in the list (use checkboxes) and click Delete permanently. Then confirm the action.

To remove an exact IP, click Bin icon for a proper IP row and confirm the action.

You will see a notification if the IP is removed successfully.