Customize the text display of your widget in the "Call Later" section.

Customize the text display of your widget in the "Call Later" section. 

If your visitors visits your website after-hours, or if they choose to click on the"Call Me Later",

the Scheduled Call Page will be shown.

Schedule Call Text

 You'll be able to customize the Text Display. The default will be "Would you like to schedule a callback?" 

Email Required Field

For scheduled calls, it's recommended that you add email as a required field, so that we can send email 

notifications to the scheduled caller. 

Scheduled Call Settings

You'll be able to edit your scheduled call settings: 

  • Timeslot Interval - The intervals between timeslots where customers can choose to schedule calls.Ranges from 5 mins to 3 hrs.
  • Schedule Buffer Time - Buffer time before a call can be scheduled
  • Calls Per Timeslot - Limit the number of calls allowed for each time slot