Part 1:

Firstly, the domain nameserver need to be updated as below so that it is pointing to our FREE DNS ZONE. 

Kindly allow 18-72 hours for domain DNS propagation period before it is fully resolved. 

**If your domain name already attached to existing DNS Zone records, it is advisable for you to follow the "Part 2" 

first before you proceed to update the domain nameserver to minimize the downtime. 

For domain under and ( ( (

For domain under ( ( (

For .my domain name, please contact domain Technical Contact for assistance on domain name server update. 

You may check your domain Technical Contact here

Part 2:

Next, in order to manage your domain via the client area, kindly follow this steps as listed below:

1. Log into our client area billing system at 

MY: Please log in here

US: Please log in here

SG: Please log in here


2. On top of the menu, Click > Domains > Manage DNS.

3. Click Add New Zone and fill in your domain name which you would like to setup.

4. There will be a pop up window which has two field box to be filled.

Zone Name is the your domain name. Eg :

IP Address is the ip address of where your domain resides. The ip address can be obtained 2 ways.



a) Navigate to the Welcome Mail when you first purchased your product. The IP address will be from Server IP.

    It will look like this:

b) You can also obtain your ip address from client area billing system. 

i) Click My Products/Services under My Services.

ii) From the product that is linked to your domain, click Manage Product.

iii) Scroll down to the Hosting Information area. There will be a field of IP Address. Use that value.

5. Your domain DNS zones will be showing up on the bottom of the list.

6. Click on Edit (Pencil icon).

7. Login to Google Account and get your TXT record. Copy the TXT record. 

8. Click on Add Record in DNS zone. 

9. Select TXT for Type. Enter the domain name for Name field and paste the TXT record in RDATA field.

9. Click Add Record and Save Changes.

For hosting and domain client which uses cPanel, the steps differ slightly.

The nameservers are: 

The process of adding txt record in cPanel can be obtained from this article. 

If user have any issue for TXT record updates, may let us know by submitting case to