This guideline is purposely draft to guide user to embed unsubscribe link in EBuzzzz  campaign.

  1. Enter to EBuzzzz dashboard with given credential and login portal.
  2. Select "Campaigns" tab.
  3. Proceed to click on "Create Campaign" button.
  4. You may now prompt a windows for campaign create. Complete require process with step

    • Step 01 : Type (Enter Campaign Name and Select Campaign Type)

    • Step 02 : Lists (Select subscriber list wish to distribute)

    • Step 03 : Message (Select preferable template)
  5. Complete above step until step03 - contents edit. Under this session, user capable to draft their email subject and contents. This is also the step allowed user to embed the unsubscribe link.
  6. Proceed to click on "Personalize Message" as of screen shot below.

  7. Next, there is another windows prompt, continue with select "Message Options & Links" tab. User may now found several option, proceed to click on the first options - "Unsubscribe Link".

  8. Enter the preferable text to be appear as an unsubscribe link. Complete the column and click on "OK" button.

  9. User may now embedded the unsubscribe link. Follow the instruction to complete the rest campaign setup step and blast out the newsletter.