EBuzzzz allows you to embed subscription forms on Facebook pages as custom content sections. Your Facebook visitors can subscribe your List via Facebook.

Part A:

  1. First, you will need to make sure you have a Facebook page set up for your product or brand. If no, please visit this link to Create a Page.
  2. Log in your Facebook account then visit Static FBML Facebook page and click “Add to my Page.”
  3. Choose the page you’d like to add to:   

Part B:

  1. Back to your Facebook account, then click on “Ads and Pages” to go your Page.
  2. Click on “Edit Page”.
  3. Scroll down to the section for FBML (under Applications), then click Edit
  4. Copy and paste your Subscription form HTML source code. If you not create yet, then go to Part C.

Part C:

  1. Log into your EBuzzzz management panel according to the URL that provided in the welcome email.
  2. Go to “Integration”, click “Subscription Forms”.
  3. Click “Add” and Fill in the detail of your form and choose the List you want to integrate with the form then click “Add & Continue”.
  4. Copy the HTML source code and paste the code into the FBML content area at Part B. 

This is probably not the most ideal spot for your subscription form to reside, since many viewers may not visit the individual Boxes tab. A better spot would be on the main page, along the left side of the “wall.” To do this, click on the pencil icon in the upper-right corner of the Newsletter box, and choose “Move to Wall tab.”