
My Cloudflare site appears to be blocked by the Great Firewall of China. What should I do?
In order to confirm that there are issues with IPs you're on in China, we need: 1. A traceroute to the domain to see the network path. The site may ...
Tue, 21 Apr, 2020 at 12:06 PM
Why aren't changes to my site showing?
If you are making changes to the static content that Cloudflare caches, website owners should go to Development Mode first to bypass the Cloudflare cache s...
Tue, 21 Apr, 2020 at 12:25 PM
Can I disable Cloudflare cookies?
You cannot disable cookies on resources served through Cloudflare. While some speed recommendations will suggest eliminating cookies for static resources, t...
Tue, 21 Apr, 2020 at 11:39 AM
Is Cloudflare compatible with Bad Behavior?
Absolutely. Please make sure you're working on the latest version of Bad Behavior to ensure best performance. You would also want to enabl...
Sun, 26 Jul, 2020 at 9:57 PM
Why is JavaScript or jQuery not working on my site?
If you are seeing issues with JavaScript functionality on your website, try disabling Rocket Loader if it is enabled to see if that is the source of the is...
Tue, 21 Apr, 2020 at 11:38 AM
Why does my time to first byte appear to be slower with Cloudflare?
Many reporting tools use algorithms that can't easily factor Cloudflare into the time to first byte calculation. Please see this comment from Webp...
Tue, 21 Apr, 2020 at 11:37 AM
Why am I getting an invalid HOST_KEY error message?
You would get this message if you were trying to use the API key from your Cloudflare account as your Hosting API key. If you do not have a Hosting API k...
Tue, 21 Apr, 2020 at 11:36 AM
How do I troubleshoot an IPv6 Gateway issue?
The following information would be helpful in diagnosing an issue you're having with the Cloudflare IPv6 gateway: 1.    A traceroute with the comman...
Mon, 20 Apr, 2020 at 12:40 PM
Can I use Cloudflare and Varnish together?
You may also modify vcl_recv to strip the __cfduid cookies set by Cloudflare so Varnish can cache the response. The following VCL will strip all cookies sta...
Tue, 21 Apr, 2020 at 11:35 AM
Why am I getting a 404 error?
404 means the file is not found on your server. If you already uploaded the file, then either the name is incorrectly spelled or it is in the wrong folder ...
Mon, 20 Apr, 2020 at 11:24 AM